
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Walking Dead - Season 5, Episode 3 - "Four Walls and a Roof"

Blair Fink (Twitter: @BlairMFink, Instagram: @BlairFink)
Steve Bethel (Twitter: @the_lazy_gamer, Website:

"We're leaving because of your beard, Rick."

The Walking Dead, Season 5, Episode 3, "Four Walls and a Roof"


"They're screwing with the wrong people."

When Rick delivered this line at the end of last season with way too much gravitas and mood music, I rolled my eyes. It was really cheesy. Yet, despite that, it is proving to be true. This group has experience. This group is learning. This group is better. This group is finally comprised of mostly likeable characters that I find myself cheering for, wanting to succeed because I think they are capable of it and not dreading the next stupid thing they do that gets somebody killed. This is a big shift from earlier in the show's run when a lot of narrative and character conflict was derived from everyone being stupid and annoying. Sure, there are still some underdeveloped characters (looking at you, Rosita) but gone are the problematic Lori, Dale, Andrea and T-Dog, among others. Also a change from previous seasons, as I noted in the last two recaps, is the pace of the show. I really, really hope it keeps chewing through plot at this rate. I have never been more hopeful for this show to start firing on all cylinders, something it has rarely ever done.

This season is moving way faster than previous ones. Three episodes in and we are about to leave our second venues. We have reunited and broken up the group, and reunited again (hopefully, depending on who Daryl was talking to in the bush). We have met Gabriel, been curious about him, and have gotten our answers about his past. We met our "big" bad, only to have him killed off shortly after. There is going to be a lot of action this season if the first three episodes are any indication! I can't wait!
Bob! I knew it. I'm glad there was actually a reasonable motive for Bob to wander forlornly out into the darkness. I will really miss Bob. He gave this show a shot of much needed optimism and hope. He was a big part of the making sure the show didn't veer too far into Misery Porn territory. Who fills that void now? Will Sasha carry it on or will she be too sad and angry? Michonne has lightened up a lot but isn't quite there yet. I'm not holding my breath for Father Gabriel to start cracking wise anytime soon.
Well at least we were right, Bob was bit in the basement, which does shed some light on his foolish behaviour of going outside alone. Whether it was to brood or off himself at least there was some justification for it, not just to move the plot. Is Bob one of the people in the know about how everyone is infected? Regardless, using it as a way to stave off any more dismemberment was a good play. Obviously, we the viewer know that that has no effect on Gareth and his crew as everyone they have eaten is infected.

Wait a minute, Steve. Is there not a difference between universal latent infection and bitten infection? Sure, everyone carries the latent infection in them but would eating someone who has been bitten mean you are as doomed as they are? This is unclear. However, the mystery of the tainted meat didn't exactly matter in the end anyway since The Termites weren't around long enough to show any effects.

The climax of this episode had me so worked up! The last time I felt like this watching the Walking Dead was the barn scene. That whole build up was great. Really amazing scene. The mood, lighting, long camera shots. The shot of the sign, waiting for something to happen. If it wasn't for the ambient noise I thought for sure my PVR had froze. The tension that that whole scene built up and delivered on was awesome. Gareth calling out everyones names who were still there. Even when they showed Judith even she seemed surprised that he knew everyone there! The two doors, the shots of everyone hiding, the long shots of Gabriel, Judith fucking it all up. TENSE.
Don't you dare speak about Judith that way! #TeamJudith
I was mad as Hell when they were all suiting up to go attack Gareth. I mean come on! They just dropped off Bob, they clearly are watching the church waiting for the perfect time to attack. I thought there is no way they are going to be that stupid and leave the church but alas they did think like I did. The whole plan was to draw Gareth out and get the jump on them. Well payed Rick. Rick...oh boy. We may be seeing Rick falling back off into the deep end. Is he coming unglued again? Or is this a new, tired of trusting people, vengeful Rick.
I thought it seemed pretty clear that it was a Termite trap with the talk of it being a risky play beforehand. The only question in my mind was if Gareth and Co. would die and if so, would they take anyone with them. Rick is definitely still giving off the odd whiff of crazytown bananapants  but hopefully Carl, Judith, Michonne and Bob's parting words are enough to keep him grounded, at least temporarily. Speaking of which, when are we going to get a Richonne (Michick?) romance?
At first I was thrown off when Glenn motioned to leave with Abe, but if you watch him in the showdown scene you'll see he is just standing in there, watching as his friends brutally beat these strangers to death, pure shock. It's not pretty, and he doesn't seem happy about the direction Rick is going.
You're right, Glenn has had some negative body language towards Rick's brutal actions recently so that could have made the decision to go slightly easier. Mostly though, it is just too hard for the writers to manage that large a cast when they're all together. Splitting up the group makes sense narratively, making it easier to give each character more time in the spotlight. It'll be interesting to see when and if they meet up again. Who has seen who for the last time?

-Although Tyreese is a pretty broken man, it still shows him as a stronger character when it comes to Sasha. Mainly stepping up to take care of Bob.

-Will Bob's dying words get through to Rick? I think the majority of viewers would side with Bob's thoughts.

-I'm hoping we see shades of Bob in both Sasha and Rick going forward.
-Who was with Daryl? Carol? Beth? Both? Someone new?
-My money is on E.T. being in the bushes with Daryl.
-How far behind will Rick's group be from Abe's? Now that Daryl is back will they move on to DC?
-I think it really depends on who is with Daryl. Does he show up with Beth and her fellow captives? Does he show up with a plea to go back to wherever they found Beth (assuming they do)? Does Father Gabriel join the group?
-Will this be a season of many villains or will we get a new Big Bad?
-From the previews for next week's episode, it looks like we'll be checking in on Beth and whoever is holding her captive. Looks like she's in a hospital.

Blair's Rating: A
Steve's Rating: 5 out of 5 found katanas

Blair's MVP: Bob
Steve's MVP: Bob

Blair's Deadpool Pick: Rosita
Steve's Deadpool Pick: Tara

1 comment:

  1. YES!! I'm enjoying the show more than ever now that the silly mistake characters are gone. I'm not irritated or frustrated with the group. It's like the group is full of MVPs!
